Astrology for Autodidacts
burn black astrology with the zine witch

Class Pass


This is a class pass for anyone one of the following workshops we have hosted. Will be sent to you within 24 hours of your order.

Please note which recording you were interested in.

🚊 Transits🚊

Transit Jupiter square Jupiter with Bram Astrology

Transit Saturn Conjunct the Moon

Transit Pluto Conjunct the Moon

Transit Pluto Conjunct the Sun with Jessica Kaitsee

Transit Neptune Conjunct Venus with Astro Viktor

Transit Pluto Opposition Venus with The Star Astrology

The Nodal Reversal with Stephanie Shea

Transit North Node Conjunct the Ascendent

Transit Saturn Square Mars with Astral Integrations

Transit Saturn opposite Mars

Transit Pluto Opposite Mars with Anthony Perrotta

Transit Uranus opposition the Sun with Megan Hanna

Pluto square Pluto with Stormie Grace

The Chiron Return with Tom Jacobs

The Nodal Square with Stephanie Shea

Jupiter Transits thru the Houses and How to Work with Them

Transit Pluto thru the Second House with Yara

Transit Pluto thru the Seventh House with Anthony & Viv

Transit Pluto thru the Ninth House with Jordyn Smith

The Progressed Lunar Opposition

Profection House One with Kelsey Wells

Profection House Two with El the Aquarius

Profection House Nine with Matt

Profection House Ten with Saturn Season Astrology

Profection House Eleven with Daisy Forrest

Profection House Twelve with Nissa of Mystery School

✨Master Classes✨

0 Degrees of Leo Master Class

North Node in Aries Master Class

Taurus Ascendent Master Class


Money Magick 411 with Love

Parenting Using Human Design with Love

The Cosmic Compass with Yara

Ten Pieces of Relationship Advice for Mars in Libra

Sun As Your Time Lord: Remediation

Jan Spiller’s Nodes of Fate thru Houses

Moon Remediation: How to Work with the Moon When The Moon is Your Time Lord

A Return to Natural Law with Jordyn Smith

Astrocartography: Your Life Around the World with Saturn Season Astrology

Celestial Soulmates: Karmic Partnership in the Natal Chart

Sexstrology with Aubrey of The Oracle of Pluto

Astrology 101: Class 1- The Planets as Characters

Astrology 101: Class 2- The Signs as Costume

Dynamic Duos: A lecture on mutual reception

Composite Sun thru the Houses

Moon Pluto Aspects Workshop

Human Design Variables with Love Sachoff