Booking for January 2025
burn black astrology with the zine witch

Transit Pluto Conjunct Mercury Workshop


The transit of Pluto conjunct natal Mercury is a life changing once in a lifetime transit. What happens with the planet of death and rebirth hits the planet of communication, siblings, friends, and our daily minutia?

In this episode, evolutionary astrologer, Jordyn Smith and I discuss our own personal experiences with this transit, client stories, and how to work with the energy of this life changing year.

If you have a Mercury in Aquarius in your natal chart, you will want to tune into this episode as Pluto is now in Aquarius.

In this episode you’ll hear:

What to expect during this transit, including themes of power, intimacy, loss, and financial transformation

Practical advice on embracing change, confronting fears, and reclaiming your personal power

How to navigate periods of emotional and psychological upheaval with grace

How to work with Pluto transits with your magical practice

What herbs are great to work with during this transit